Andy Miller

Toxic Gas Adds to a Long History of Pollution in Southwest Memphis

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People across the nation claim cancer-causing emissions from local sterilizing plants are making them sick. It鈥檚 an example of environmental racism, say residents of one predominantly Black area in southwest Memphis, Tennessee, where life expectancy is much shorter than county and state averages.

The GOP Keeps Pushing Medicaid Work Requirements, Despite Setbacks

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Work requirements in Medicaid expansion programs are back on the agenda in many statehouses 鈥 despite their lackluster track record. In Mississippi, the idea has momentum from GOP lawmakers advancing legislation to expand Medicaid. In Kansas, the Democratic governor proposed work requirements to try to soften Republican opposition to expansion. (She鈥檚 had little luck, so […]

Toxic Gas That Sterilizes Medical Devices Prompts Safety Rule Update

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The Environmental Protection Agency is tightening regulation of ethylene oxide, a carcinogenic gas used to sterilize medical devices. The agency is trying to balance the interests of the health care industry supply chain with those of communities where the gas creates airborne health risks.

Opposition to Medicaid Expansion Thaws in an Unexpected Place: The Deep South

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For more than a decade, some Southern states have resisted Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act, even though data suggest it could help their residents. Today, the large majority of uninsured Americans who would gain coverage under Medicaid expansion 鈥 and who would benefit from affordable access to care 鈥 live in non-expansion states […]

Many Autoimmune Disease Patients Struggle With Diagnosis, Costs, Inattentive Care

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Despite the prevalence of autoimmune conditions, like the thyroid disease Hashimoto鈥檚, sometimes finding help can prove frustrating as well as expensive. There are often no definitive diagnostic tests, so patients may rack up big bills as they search for confirmation of their condition and for treatment options.

CDC to Reduce Funding for States鈥 Child Vaccination Programs

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Citing the recent debt ceiling deal, the CDC is trimming its funding to child vaccination programs that focus on communities vulnerable to disease outbreaks. The cuts come despite data showing the percentage of children getting vaccinated has dropped in recent years.

Lead Contamination Surfaces in Affluent Atlanta Neighborhood

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The Environmental Protection Agency recently confirmed high lead levels in an upscale Atlanta neighborhood. The location stands in contrast to many polluted sites investigated by the federal Superfund program 鈥 often in former industrial or waste disposal areas where environmental racism has left marginalized groups at risk.

Special Medicaid Funds Help Most States, but Prompt Oversight Concerns

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Georgia is among 35-plus states that have used an under-the-radar federal funding mechanism to boost payments for hospitals and other providers under Medicaid. But a government watchdog and a congressional advisory commission say sparse oversight makes it hard to tell if the 鈥渄irected payments鈥 program is meeting its goals.

New CDC Opioid Guidelines: Too Little, Too Late for Chronic Pain Patients?

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In November, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new guidelines for prescribing opioids for pain, allowing physicians more flexibility. But doctors, patients, and advocates wonder if the updated standards will be too little, too late to help chronic pain patients in a country still focused on fighting the ongoing opioid crisis.